Walid Hejazi

Walid Hejazi headshot
Walid Hejazi
Joseph L. Rotman School of Management

Walid Hejazi is a Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy at the Rotman School of Management, Fellow of the Michael Lee-Chin Family Institute for Corporate Citizenship, and member of the Board of Directors of the David & Sharon Johnston Centre for Corporate Governance Innovation. His research focuses on developing strategies that enhance companies' ability to compete in domestic and global marketplaces. He has worked closely with many companies to develop and implement innovative strategies, with a particular focus on the role of leaders in preparing those companies to lead strategic change. He is currently working on a book that analyzes strategies that can mobilize global pools of capital into the development of sustainable infrastructure projects in the developing world. He has also worked extensively with Canadian and foreign governments on the development of policies around foreign investment and international trade and has testified extensively before parliamentary and senate committees. He teaches in Rotman's MBA, EMBA and custom executive programs, and has delivered lectures in over 30 countries, and is a frequent commentator in the media.