An event like no other in the industry, CUES Symposium focuses on leadership development for the CEO/board chair team, and provides you opportunities to build and strengthen relations with these leaders.
Due to the exclusive team-building structure of this event, sponsors cannot participate in round table discussions. CUES Symposium has an average of 349 attendees from 158 credit unions.
Attendees by Title
Sponsorship Benefits
CUES Supporting and Premier Supplier Members: $50,000
Limit 2 Sponsors
- Three representatives may attend the conference (excluding roundtable discussions)
- Ability to address attendees at Opening General Session on Monday
- Attendee Welcome gift provided by CUES on behalf of Titanium-level sponsors
- Opportunity to have a subject matter expert facilitate a bonus/breakout session.
- Co-Sponsor the Closing Aloha reception with the opportunity to address attendees
- Co-Sponsor of Headline Speaker
- Premium onsite signage
- Additional branded item onsite TBD (Ex: Wrist band for pools)
- Company factoids on screen during Opening General Session
- Co-sponsorship of the opening reception
- Co-Sponsorship of an optional event
- Two optional event registrations
- Marketing opportunities in the conference App (8)
- Push Notification in the conference app (2)
- Recognition as a Titanium sponsor in attendee acknowledgement materials and in conference marketing
- 8’ x 8 booth space/display open throughout conference (Premium placement)
- Networking opportunities
- Sponsor recognition on name badge
- Logo and link on
- Conference attendee list
- (WIP) Potential add-on reception with conference speakers and attendees
CUES Supporting and Premier Supplier Members: $30,000
Limit 6 Sponsors
- Three representatives may attend the conference (excluding roundtable discussions)
- Ability to address attendees each morning
- Attendee gift provided by CUES on behalf of Platinum-level sponsors
- 8’ x 8 booth space/display open throughout conference
- Sponsorship of an optional event
- Three optional event registrations
- Co-sponsorship of the opening reception
- Recognition as a Platinum sponsor in attendee acknowledgement materials and in conference marketing
- Recognition at the general session
- Company brochure in conference app (6)
- Networking opportunities
- Sponsor recognition on name badge
- Logo and link on
- Conference attendee list
For more sponsorship information, contact
CUES Supporting and Premier Supplier Members: $20,000
Limit 4 Sponsors
- Two representatives may attend the conference (excluding roundtable discussions)
- Sponsorship of a conference breakfast
- One optional event registration
- Co-sponsorship of the opening reception
- Recognition as a Gold sponsor in attendee acknowledgement materials and in conference marketing
- Recognition at the general session
- Company brochure in conference app (4)
- Networking opportunities
- Sponsor recognition on name badge
- Logo and link on
- Conference attendee list
For more sponsorship information, contact
CUES Supporting and Premier Supplier Members: $13,500
- One representatives may attend the conference (excluding roundtable discussions)
- Sponsorship of a conference networking break
- Recognition as a Silver sponsor in attendee acknowledgement materials and in Conference marketing
- Recognition at the general session
- Company brochure in conference app (2)
- Networking opportunities onsite
- Sponsor recognition on name badge
- Logo and link on
- Conference attendee list
- Sponsorship of a conference networking break
For more sponsorship information, contact
You'll be there, even if you can't attend! Or, enhance your onsite sponsorship for maximum results.
CUES Supporting and Premier Supplier Member pricing
- Conference tote bags: $7,500
- Conference App: $6,000
- Conference Wi-Fi: $5,000
- Hotel Key Cards: $4,000
- Badge lanyards: $3,000
- Note Pads/Pens: $2,000
For more sponsorship information, contact
Become a sponsor today!
Space is limited—register today to ensure increased visibility for your firm. For more sponsorship information, contact
Download the sponsorship application and sign up today.