This event is FREE for CUES Unlimited and Unlimited+ Members
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Presenter: Celeste Cook, CEO, cuStrategies LLC
Learn what you can do as a leader to lead and manage change more efficiently and effectively in uncertain and challenging times.
Organizational change is one of today’s most difficult leadership challenges especially when faced with a pandemic. Credit unions across the nation must find ways to lead and manage change as well as continual disruptions more efficiently and effectively. Successful credit unions must be quick and nimble in their efforts to be responsive to its members’ needs and the ever-changing environment internally and externally.
Key Takeaways:
- Explore a holistic approach to leading and managing change
- Determine the best approach to lead change during and post COVID-19
- Discover how our roles as leaders can effectuate positive change and outcomes
- Identify obstacles that can impede the Change Process
- Discover ways to overcome barriers and bottlenecks to better effectuate positive change
- Explore key strategies to create a better “New Normal”
- Determine the best approach to get buy-in and engagement from all stakeholders in the change process
For virtual education support, review these helpful steps and frequently asked questions.
About the Presenter:
Celeste Cook
cuStrategies LLC
As a credit union industry strategist, Celeste provides strategic planning services, experienced consulting services, and expert training programs to the credit union industry. In addition to being a consultant and trainer, she is a keynote and motivational speaker with a dynamic and engaging style that have made her highly sought after within the credit union industry. Celeste has also served as an industry expert as well as a motivational and keynote speaker for credit union associations and leagues nationwide.
Along with being CEO of cuStrategies LLC, she has been involved in the credit union industry for more than 20 years and a professional speaker and trainer for 15 of those years–also working for a $1.6 billion credit union in Atlanta, Georgia, and working as a consultant and trainer with Rex Johnson of Lending Solutions Consulting.
Celeste’s expertise and training programs/schools in leadership, lending, collections, marketing/business development, and sales and service for credit unions have helped credit unions with assets ranging from $20 million to $2 billion. She brings her credit union expertise, experience, and proven strategies, which have fostered her credit union clients’ increases in membership growth, loan growth, and profitability. For instance, one credit union experienced 33% loan growth through consumer loans in 12 months using cuStrategies’ lending strategies. Celeste also increased loans by 215% in nine months through SEGs during her tenure in Business Development at MAX Credit Union in Montgomery, Alabama.
Celeste has a degree in business management and a Certification in Sales Leadership Strategies through the Credit Union National Association. She has been a contributor to industry publications such as CUinsight, Credit Union Executive Society, Credit Union Times, and Credit Union Journal as well as Branch Managers Letter, a national publication. Celeste is also writing a book on leadership and service.
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