Members-Only Event
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Presenter: Katie Holland Wiesel, ACC, Executive Coach and Leadership Development Consultant, KHW Consulting
No one loves delivering critical feedback. We don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings; we feel like a bad person harping on the things that aren’t going right. What if they cry? What if they quit? And…what if they keep making mistakes that negatively affect the team or the customer? In this session, we’ll learn the science–and practice the art–of delivering feedback that makes you feel great and sets everyone up for success.
Key Takeaways:
Understand the consequences for you and others when feedback is withheld or minimized
Reframe your mindset around delivering critical feedback
Learn frameworks for delivering feedback effectively and compassionately
Practice these new tools in real time
For virtual education support, review these helpful steps and frequently asked questions.
About the Presenter:
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