Webinar: CUES eVote Demonstration

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CUES eVote Demonstration
Thursday, May 14
1:00 p.m. Central time
Laura Lynch, CUES Products and Services Manager


Join CUES products and services manager Laura Lynch for a 30-minute walk through of CUES eVote, online voting software for board elections, merger votes, charter conversion votes, and more.

This presentation will hit the highlights of online voting preparation and execution, including:

  • Hybrid elections–online, phone, and paper balloting are available
  • User experience
  • Security

You’ll learn: 

  • How easy CUES eVote is to use 
  • All about the optional features, and how CUES eVote can be tailored to your credit union’s needs
  • Why CUES eVote’s security is second-to-none

You’ll also have the opportunity to ask questions directly of CUES’ dedicated election coordinators, who are responsible for running all CUES eVote elections. 

About the Presenter:

Laura Lynch, products and services manager, has managed CUES eVote elections for almost 15 years. She has experience with board elections, merger votes, charter conversion votes, and bylaw votes in the US, Canada, and Puerto Rico. Lynch has managed 350 credit union elections with CUES eVote.

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